Jul 27, 2017
This week sees Roque and Luke tackling one of the absolute stalwarts of Spanish white wines: DO Rueda. You order a white in Madrid, you get this. They opt for an interesting bottle of Nisia from Bodegas Jorge Ordoñez. They also quibble about sunlight and nonsensically muse about the usual wine based codswallop.
Jul 20, 2017
This week Roque and Luke head to Spain's smallest DO; Monterrei, found nestled in the hot depths of Galicia on the border with Portugal. They enjoy a bottle of Terras do Cigarrón which is part of the Martín Codax family. They also chat ideal dinner guests as well as how to pair wine with junk food snacks.
Jul 13, 2017
This week Roque and Luke head back to that wine making giant Cataluña to DO Conca de Barberà and go for something a little more exotic. A rosé made by Josep Foraster from the indigenous Trepat grape. They also get geeky talking about winemaking techniques and discuss why a wine might have…milk in it?
Jul 6, 2017
This week sees Roque and Luke head back to the world of Pagos for a bottle called Pilas Bonas from DO Pago Casa del Blanco. They talk and play with wine gadgets and chat, among other topics, nonsense about wine mysteries. Salud!